For the love of food|The Benefits Of Green Smoothies.


Green Smoothies we all love them, all the different variations and recipes but all with similar if not the same benefits. I am going to share with you my Variation of a Delicious Green Smoothie which I experimented with to get perfect for a few months.

So here it is,  I’m going Coconuts of this one!!!

Simple Green Refreshing Coconut Smoothie 

you will need

  •  2 handfuls of Baby Spinach
  • Half a Zucchini, Chopped up.
  • 400mls of Coconut Water
  • 2 tbls spoons of Coconut youghurt, watch the sugar content of some Coconut yoghurts.
  • 1 Tbl spooon of Maca Powder, gives a honeycomb taste.
  • 1 teaspoon of Coconut oil

Blend in a blender and enjoy!!!

Now to the benefits of a Green Smoothies.

1) Healthy fats 

The word fat can be scary for some but there is a difference between bad and good fats, good healthy fats are great for glowing Skin, Keeping you fuller for longer, helps satisfy cravings, reduces the risk of heart disease and decrease inflammation.

2) Increases Energy

Just having one green smoothie in the morning can keep me going for hours until lunchtime even. if I do snack I will just have some blueberries. The Energy boost is natural so there is not horrible crash.

3) Gives you a Healthy Glow

Green smoothies are powerhouses for antioxidants, They help to reduce the signs of aging as well as hydrating the skin from head to toe, You Aura also gives off a happy glow and people can feel you healthy energy.

4) An Easy way to Consume all those healthy fruits and veggies without even realizing it. 

like mentioned previously there are many Variations of Green Smoothies, A main ingredient in most green smoothies is Kale & Baby Spinach.

we don’t always want to eat a salad or a plate of vegetables and sometimes even eating an apple or piece of fruit can be a inconvenient and takes longer to eat. Green Smoothies are Quick and easy.

5) Great way to adapt healthy habits.

Our minds crave consistency and once you start having a green smoothie in the morning it will become part of your routine and a healthy habit which will then give you the craving for more healthy habits.

like substituting a sugar filled ice-cream for some healthy yogurt or some blueberries to kick the sugar cravings to the curb.

you may even consider trying a Yoga class or starting a walking/jogging routine.

Thank you for reading, be sure to give it a like if you enjoyed it.



Jade X x O o






Author: myblissfuljourney

Manifesting the life of my dreams through universal experience and the law of attraction ✨ Holistic well being 🌻 Healing the body, mind and soul with Super foods I want to share my tips and take you on my journey through clean eating and how I have changed my life.

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